I’m taking my lunch break to post about a movie. I don’t know, I do these things.

So really this week I was supposed to go see my friend’s documentary playing in North Hollywood. Then work got crazy so I wasn’t really able to make it up there. And yes, I know there were other cool things playing around town last night. Michael at Cinefamily, 8 1/2 at the New Beverly, but by the time I was finished with work last night, I didn’t really have time to eat food (which I really needed to do) and go to a movie.

I was just going to go home but I was passing the theater in Culver City, with time for dinner even, and decided last minute to catch a showing of Woman in Black. Which I wanted to see anyway. So there you go. I was also still that obnoxious person checking her email every 20 mins because work stuff was still happening. Sorry to the two other people in the theater? I hate it when people check their email during a movie…

Anyway, I liked it! It’s not perfect, it’s a little “scary movie lite” but for a PG-13 ghost story starring Harry Potter, I was really pleasantly surprised. The material is really pretty of dark, the atmosphere is appropriately dreary, and the set design is absolutely wonderful. Seriously, as someone who frequently wanders around antique stores and is obsessed with old things, I was having just as much fun watching the furniture and toys and every other little detail. The attention to detail in this film is great.

Daniel Radcliffe is passably good, he’s well on his way to proving he can actually manage a post-Harry Potter career. He still seemed maybe a little young for the role, especially in comparison to his co-stars, but mostly I liked him.

Now I want to read the book this was based on. I think that would be fun.