Dude, I hate being sick. Just going to throw that out there, right here at the top. I got this stupid cold last Thursday and spend most of my weekend delirious and full of snot. But I’m starting to feel better now. So I won’t complain too much.

Is it just me, or is everyone getting sick right now? It seems like everyone I talk to has a cold. I recommend oranges. And tea. And maybe some Nyquil. Feel better world.


Stayed home on Friday with the sick and watched a shit ton of Downton Abbey. Basically the entire first season on Netflix. And guys, it really is as wonderful as everyone says it is. I’m really excited to start watching Season 2 – currently airing on PBS and available for streaming here.

Tell me this doesn’t look amazing:

And then I finally watched The A-Team. And, OK, I was full of Nyquil, but does that movie make any damn sense? I could not follow it at all. Not that I’m judging cause, yeah, Nyquil. It just seemed really convoluted and rambly and weird. But Liam Neeson is still pretty badass. So there’s that.

Catfish made a lot more sense but by then the Nyquil had also worn off so I was a bit more coherent myself. So the movie is pretty good but I have to be honest and say that it didn’t really do it for me. No reason in particular. Just wasn’t my favorite.