One of the perks of working in the film industry are these little things called screeners. They’re sent around to producers, directors, writers, etc. every year at award time and over the last few years I’ve watched a number of Academy Award nominated films this way. Including yesterday’s movie, The Artist.

The reviews for this one are good but I feel like I’m seeing a lot of people not liking it? How come?

I really liked it! I thought it was a charming homage to cinema, the silent era of course but also later films like Singin’ in the Rain, Vertigo, Citizen Kane… you get my point. There’s substance beneath the style too. A tragic story of a failing silent film star who can’t get past his own pride. There’s the love story between this Douglas Fairbanks type and the appropriately named ingenue Peppy Miller. It’s sweet even as it’s sad.

There’s also the dog. Uggie. I know everyone is talking about him. I mean, have you seen this dog? CUTE.

Well, whichever, I really enjoyed The Artist. I found it to be a lot of fun! It also made me really want to watch Umberto D. again. I don’t know. I blame it on the dog.